FUT or FUE? The Better Choice For You

Even though you might have decided that you want to undergo a hair transplant surgery, it does not mean that you will be able to get it. While you might think that a hair transplant is the only way for you to have a head full of hair once again, it is only your doctor who will be able to tell you whether you are a suitable candidate for a hair transplant or not. There are actually several cases, wherein people might have bald spots, but they are not ideal candidates for a hair transplant, because they might not have clear donor and recipient sites or might not even have enough hair for a transplant. 

If you have been losing hair since long, it is best that you visit a reputed doctor and ask them for their opinion, rather than making the decisions on your own. For all you know, you might not even need a transplant, but another hair restoration solution might be more than enough for you. 

However, if your doctor tells you that you do need a transplant, you have a fair few things to know and your doctor will be your best guide on the journey. After your doctor has checked your hair and scalp thoroughly, he or she will be able to tell you whether you need an FUT (follicular unit transplant) or FUE (follicular unit extraction) procedure. While both procedures fall under the umbrella term ‘hair transplant’, they are both extremely different processes. While both can give you a full head of hair over a period of time, the manner in which they are done are unalike and each hair transplant surgery has its own set of pros and cons.

Here are the main differences between FUE and FUT:

  • The method of extraction – The very first difference between FUE and FUT is the method in which the grafts are extracted. In the FUT method, an entire strip of hair is removed from the scalp and the follicles are removed. The area from where the strip has been removed will then be carefully sown back. With FUE, individual follicular units are extracted using a micro punch method, leaving minimal scars.
  •  Donor area and scars – One of the greatest advantages of the FUE method is that there are almost no visible scars, because there are no cuts. Using micro punches, follicular units are extracted, leaving nothing more than tiny puncture holes, which disappear underneath the hair growth. However, with the FUT method, there will be a linear scar, which will get hidden under the hair, but it will always be there. The length of the scar will be dependent on how long a strip has been extracted. If you are someone who likes to keep their hair really short, then the linear scar might become an issue.
  •  Grafts – The total number of grafts required will depend on how large an area needs to be covered and also on the actual size of the donor area. Both hair restoration solutions offer good yield in terms of grafts and the density will be dependent on the expertise of the doctor. Coming to the survival rates of the grafts in both procedures – it is important to remember that grafts are extremely delicate and needed to be handled with extreme care. Because the grafts can lose moisture really quickly, it is important that they are kept hydrated at all times. Normally, grafts in the FUE method are much more delicate, because the tissue around the follicular unit is much less, which is often why the survival rate is lesser. However, in the hands of an experienced doctor, the survival rate in FUE grafts can also be really high. 
  • Implant methods – The implant method goes beyond just putting the grafts into place – the implant procedure is about designing the precise and natural looking hairline, something only a truly experienced and talented doctor can do. Irrespective of the method being used, several grafts tend to get wasted and here is where the skill of the doctor lies. Where the grafts have been placed, the density and the usage of the right amount of grafts are all dependent on the experience of the doctor. Incisions will be made to place the grafts in accordance to a hairline that the doctor will have planned out in advance.
  • Healing – The healing procedure for hair transplant surgery will be reliant on the procedure that has been done. With the strip surgery or FUT method, the healing will take a little longer because there is a piece of your scalp that is removed, and because the same will have been sutured, the stitches will need to take their time. However, with FUE, because there are no cuts or incisions, the healing will happen much faster. There will be a little bit of swelling, redness, numbness and even itching with both procedures.
The most ideal hair restoration solution lies in an in-depth conversation with your hair restoration expert!

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